We love the ladies
We here at Mable Syndrome have no shame in talking about how much we love the ladies... as in, we know we are so out-numbered in the punk rock world so the more we can spread the love about ladies who rock, with ladies who rock... the better.
So in no particular order, here are some of our past and current favorites:
1. Bad Cop Bad Cop
Signed to Fat Wreck Chords by Fat Mike in 2014, they have a new album coming out on June 16th titled Not Sorry (and its amazing FYI). I have had Bad Cop Bad Cop on constant rotation these past few weeks, and I think they will continue to be part of my musical rotation for a long time to come. Now they just need to come to Western Canada....

Photo by Jeremy Venaas
2. Louise Distras
Hailing from Wakefield, UK... this woman is definitely kicking some ass. With powerful lyrics, and a powerful voice to match and numerous other women in the industry touting their praise for her (Laura Jane Grace for one!) she has quickly made her mark. Her current album Dreams From the Factory Floor is available on her website (click on her name above) and you can also stream her videos on YouTube.

3. The Spazzys
The Spazzys are an all girl punk trio from Melbourne Australia that formed in 2000. I don't know how I have gone this long without knowing who they are, but I did. A friend recently introduced me to them, and I am so thankful he did. While I totally dig their whole album, Dumb Is Forever, I am also partial to the song Paco Doesn't Love Me.

4. The Muffs
Formed in the early 1990's, The Muffs have been around for over 20 years. I first heard about them from a friend at school and mail ordered their CD Blonder and Blonder. I subsequently did a class project in my grade 8 music class and featured their song Sad Tomorrow. Everyone in class thought I was a freak as they played tracks of N'Sync and The Backstreet Boys, and my teacher cringed at my colorful cover page with the word MUFF in large bold print... Mission accomplished.